The Designer

“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

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Have you ever experienced escapism through literature?  Have you ever read a good book and identified with a character so strongly that you ended up reading until your eyes burned and your head swam, stopping only to find you’d passed an entire day this way?  Have you ever felt as though you lived a waking dream sitting in a theater watching a production and getting so lost in the story you left not remembering what day it was?  Have you ever decided to marathon four three-hour movies in one day with director’s cuts just so you could immerse yourself in the world created on screen? If you’ve done any of these things, you’ve been touched by a magical-realistic experience. 

As a designer, it is my goal to bring magical-realistic experiences to people everywhere.  I want to make people’s dreams and imagination jump off the page in a way that they can interact and escape into.  Every-day life can get tedious and repetitive; it’s why people take vacations.  If I can help even one person escape from tedious life for a day through design then I’ve done my job as a designer.